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Image by Peter Ivey-Hansen

Specialist for the worldwide marketing and brokerage of high quality exclusive commercial real estate in the hotel industry.


Our Philosophy

There is scarcely a greater sign of appreciation for a guest or host anywhere in the Arab world. The centuries-old traditional coffee ceremony is a reflection of hospitality and generosity, appreciation, mindfulness and conviviality in equal measure. The ceremony of carefully roasting the coffee, of grinding the beans as the first intoxicating aroma rises, of infusing and then roasting the cardamom, the cloves or even the saffron - all in front of the guest's eyes demonstrate serene composure before turning to business matters or simply enjoying a chat.


For us at DIANIUM COMMERCIAL, this coffee ceremony is the embodiment of how we understand a cooperative and respectful business relationship. When we decide to add your hotel property to our portfolio, our focus is on you and your property. We take all the time required to develop a tailor-made, collaborative marketing concept and focus entirely on your wishes. As old-style business people, we believe it is important for both sides to emerge from a transaction with a good feeling, because, as we say... 

we make coffee day and night

Luxury, Boutique & Lifestyle

The experience of genuine appreciation and the extraordinary ambience of outstanding design create unique accents that take root in the heart. This is how luxury is turned into happiness.

Luxury Bathroom
Image by Pedro Lastra

Business & City

Perfection, professionalism and hospitality The perfect blend of that which gives the guest a sense of reassurance and anchors the pleasant sensations of trust and of being looked after.

Spa, Wellness & Resorts 

Giving existence a new dimension: with periods of leisure, in a creatively relaxing environment, surrounded by warmth, warm-heartedness and appreciation: What a priceless moment of happiness!


Our lifestyle blog

Our lifestyle magazine

Image by Lucas Benjamin
SIGNATURE-MockUp-1 Kopie.png

SIGNATURE by DIANIUM RESIDENCE is the magazine  for high quality real estate, interior design and lifestyle.

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